JUDICIARY Latest Features

Budgetary Planning Workshop at Mbale 4th - 5th December, 2014

The Hon. the Principal Judge Hon. Justice Yorokamu Bamwine presided over a 2-day Budgetary Planning Exercise Workshop which was held in Mbale 4th – 5th December, 2014 for the Circuits of Mbale, Jinja and Soroti.


One of the Budgetary Planning Process\r\nrequirements is to involve the Stakeholders. In adhering to this requirement,\r\nthe Judiciary is conducting 4No. Budgetary  Planning Workshops in the\r\nNorthern Region (for the High Court Circuits of Masindi, Lira, Gulu and Arua) -\r\n1st – 2nd December, 2014, Eastern Region (for the High\r\nCourt Circuits of Jinja, Mbale and Soroti) – 4th – 5th December,\r\n2014 , the Central Region (for the High Court Circuits of Kampala and Nakawa) –\r\n8th – 9th December, 2014 and the Western Region (for the\r\nHigh Court Circuits of Fort Portal, Masaka, Mbarara, Kabale) – 11th\r\n– 12th December, 2014.



Posted 5th, December 2014
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